Because of the frequently very complex nature of fit out projects for medical spaces, using specialists who can draw on a wealth of valuable experience with the challenges of refurbishing for healthcare can make a difference to the success of your project. Working with our dedicated team and our expert network of architects and designers, we’re confident we can deliver on even the most complicated of fit out briefs, with a quality of design and workmanship that has earned us an excellent reputation in this field. Our experience includes work with both the private health sector as well as comprehensive fit out work across a great number of NHS centres across the North of the England.
Specialised Furnishings for Medical Centres
With the extensive range of both general and specialised furnishings and fittings, we’re able to successfully fit out both waiting rooms and general use spaces as well as the medical facilities themselves. With our technical understanding of the work required to accommodate the latest in medical apparatus as well as an ability to combine this with great looking design for fresh and modern looking medical centres, surgeries, dentists and other buildings.
As well as the technological and infrastructural demands of creating spaces in this sector, there is of course a requirement for a restful atmosphere within facilities. The almost endless possibilities in terms of colour and design we can offer mean that not only can you match the decoration and presentation of the particular practice but you can also foster a restful and calm atmosphere aiding the recovery and experience of patients and visitors. Working along side leading international manufacturers and designers means we have access to stunning design features which are ideal for creating this sense of rest and recuperation, with names like Tektura Wall Coverings who’s range of nature inspired wall decorations are ideal for contributing to a calming atmosphere.
Bespoke Solutions for Healthcare Facilities
Because of the particular demands of designing and executing these technically challenging spaces, we work with a close emphasis on collaboration, as well as on a bespoke service from the planning process through to custom made pieces of furniture and fittings. Our responsive team listen carefully to the specifics of your requirements, making sure that the finished project matches your needs perfectly. With a changing picture of how care is delivered and the size of centres and medical practices, we look to plan for the future and ensure that your facilities are ready for what the future holds.