Ultimate Office: Working with the very best school furniture manufacturers in the industry
Over our years in business, we at Ultimate Office are proud of the purchasing relationships we have built with the most innovative names in school furniture manufacture, focusing on striking a balance between quality, functionality and the aesthetic, our brands are reflective of our company
ethos and are as much a part of the Ultimate brand as we are ourselves.
School furniture manufacturers that stand out from the rest
We have worked hard to provide our customers with a varied selection of brands from across the education furniture sector, these companies produce exciting new products that are built to last so that you can create educational settings that not only support learning, but are a lasting environment for years to come. School furniture is now far more than desks and chairs, with the vast majority of spaces required to be multifunctional, meaning that school furniture must be adaptable.
The school furniture manufacturers that we work with
To ensure that the increasing demand for adaptable learning environments is kept up to, we use Style, the movable partition specialists on the vast majority of our educational projects. Their clever use of materials and ingenious solutions to adaptable spaces through movable partitions and walls ensure that our clients can make the most out of their space. We also work alongside Komfort who are industry leaders in partitioning and space saving storage, offering stringently tested sound deadening alongside a multitude of finishes and materials.
Tektura Wall Covering are a stoutly British institution who have been offering beautiful solutions for unsightly walls since the 1960’s, the importance of creating an attractive learning environment can’t be underestimated and whilst students need to be able to concentrate, there is no reason spaces must be bland or boring. Desso floors and Interface provide us with the opportunity to create attractively unique flooring that will stand the test of time, literally. These two companies are industry experts in creating hard wearing, aesthetic carpet tiles.